Data has the advantage of being objective and can be transmitted more quickly than the qualitative knowledge of experts. Information from experts has the advantage of synthesizing thousands of pieces of data to create opinions on the state of the market. OfficeBlocks brings together the best aspects of each of these by using artificial intelligence to structure the data on millions of transactions to give you the latest view on every property in the market.
It is time-consuming and complicated for humans to monitor each aspect of the market. However, with OfficeBlocks, it is not only possible but also simple. Its AI models sift information and structures the data to automatically show how each rental transaction shifts the value across all properties.

In addition to being fast, OfficeBlocks data helps you to lead with facts:
Data can be used as a standard benchmark completely independent of the opinions and biases of experts. The property level estimates can be used as an objective starting point for discussions.
Market data can be the basis for communication between investors, clients, managers and regulators. OfficeBlocks’ tools give quanitative estimates of value, risk and return for both individual properties and their effect when combined into a portfolio.
Market data and be used to extend and challenge the experience of investment managers. Most managers have been in the business for decades and remember the last market crash. But they often fail to recall the crash before in similar depth. By tapping into long-term market data, you can take into account a wide range of possible outcomes and structure investments that ride through market upheavals.
Data-driven decision-making is transforming the commercial property market, leading to more reliable and informed business actions for those who use it.